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Phelps Farm

Carrol Phelps Farm - Macon County, IL

The Carrol Phelps farmland from the northwest looking south.

The Carrol Phelps farmland from the northwest looking south.

60.24 Acres - SOLD for $9,950/A

The Carrol Phelps Farm is located in northeastern Macon County, 3 miles northeast of Argenta and 11 miles northeast of Decatur.  This farm is 98.0% tillable based on the 59.01 mapped FSA tillable acres compared to the 60.24 surveyed acres.  This farm is made up of 32.7% Sable, 31.4% Flanagan, and 29.6% Drummer soil types, giving the farm a 143.0 Soil Productivity Index Rating (out of 144.0 in Macon County).  There are no buildings on this prime farmland. 

Download the Brochure HERE.

This tract is part of a larger tract that was recently split.  The north portion of the original tract has been surveyed and sold.  This tract was a part of that survey, however, the pins have not yet been set nor has the new legal description been finalized.  Both are on order.  The surveyor has confirmed that this south tract consists of 60.24 acres.  The survey of the north tract and highlight remaining south tract can be found HERE.

The new Macon County Farm Service Agency data and map are available HERE.

Call Seth @ (217) 329-4048 for more details!

The Carrol Phelps farmland from the road on the west looking east.

The Carrol Phelps farmland from the road on the west looking east.

A 2017 aerial photo of the Carrol Phelps farmland.

A 2017 aerial photo of the Carrol Phelps farmland.