Appraisals. Brokerage. Management. Peace of Mind.

Kraft Farm

Kraft Farm - Logan County, IL

The Kraft Farm from the southeast looking northwest towards Mt. Pulaski.

Sold: 116.06 Acres for $18,000/A

The Kraft Farm is located in Logan County, 1/2 mile east of Mt. Pulaski.  This farm is 98.3% tillable with an overall soil productivity index rating of 136.5.   The soils are made up of Hartsburg, Sable, and Ipava soil types.  This farm is well drained and has a strong yield history.

This property is well located with State Route 121 running along the northern border and State Route 54 . along the northwest corner (no access from Route 54). There is also a township road running along the eastern border of this farm.

This is a very nice farm with an open lease for 2022.

Download the Brochure HERE.

Call Seth @ (217) 329-4048 for more details!

The Kraft Farm from the southeast looking north along 1750 East Road.

The Kraft Farm from the northeast corner looking west.

The Kraft Farm from the northeast corner looking southwest.

The Kraft Farm from the southeast corner looking northwest.